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Your teen sees a driver's license as a step toward freedom, but you might not be sure your teen is ready for the road. One thing is certain: teens aren't ready to have the same level of driving responsibility as adults. Teen drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes, mainly because of their immaturity, lack of skills, and lack of experience. They speed, they make mistakes, and they get distracted easily – especially if their friends are in the car. 

Be a good role model. Remember that your child looks to you as a driver, so practice safe driving yourself. Set aside time to take your teen on practice driving sessions. It can be a great way to spend time together and to allow your teen to improve some basic driving skills. Your teen's learning starts at home.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration




Established in 1997, Safety Wins Inc. has enjoyed a series of partnerships that have proven successful; creating unique and exciting Safety Campaigns for general industry, construction and motor-vehicle safety.

The flagship Safety Wins campaign began in a manufacturing facility, where safety was almost non-existent. SWI Co-founder Ben Langley enlisted the help of NASCAR Race Driver Jimmy Kitchens, a Hueytown Alabama native, to help promote the use of hard-hats, ear plugs, gloves and other PPE. Along with the campaign to use OSHA required safety equipment when working, the program also generated “buy-in” for safety beyond the workplace. What started as a 3 month safety campaign became the core program used to push all three basic business disciplines including, Safety, Quality and Production. 

In 2003, the Safety Wins team developed a partnership with the National Safety Council and received a federal grant from the Department of Labor and its Susan Harwood Grant Fund. Along with the NSC and DOL, Safety Wins developed partnerships with NASCAR Race Tracks throughout America and enjoyed a successful two year campaign to promote driver safety, the number one killer in the workplace.

Safety Wins, Inc. continues to promote safety……at home, at work and on the highway. The program now includes a High Energy Teen Driver Safety presentation for junior and senior high school students as well as the foundation programs centered around the workplace.


Safety Wins, Inc. …….Making A Positive Impact!

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        Safety Wins, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) Non-profit organization. 

  We Appreciate Your Generosity When Considering a Financial Gift . 



Our Next Event


Teen driver awareness at schools, churches, boys and girls clubs, safety events, conferences, county and state fair....and the race track! 

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Safety Wins, Inc. 

Ben Langley - President 


  • Safety Wins, Inc.

Mission Statement: To be recognized and respected as a leading non-profit organization that positively impacts people's safety when driving. 

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